A Career Pivot Uncovered Content’s Biggest Problem
An unexpected opportunity and surprising breakthrough in humanized content helped shape a new way to help businesses evolve their content strategy.
This was a journey shaped by content and communication

I was the kid who recorded TV shows and movies with a video camera, fascinated by storytelling and audience engagement. I originally planned to study film and TV—until I found out my university added calculus to the degree. (Why did I need THAT?)
So, I pivoted to mass communication—a decision that let me explore storytelling across print, radio, TV, websites, advertising, and digital content.
But the more significant shift happened when I unexpectedly found myself working on TV and radio content in the not-for-profit industry.
I had always been an audience-focused writer and producer, but I had to dig deeper into human emotions, interpretations, and responses in order to have success.
Once we did that, we set fundraising records.

Strategic and Creative Collaborations
"Scott's a natural strategic thinker who can visualize all aspects of a project from conception to completion. He makes every member of a team feel valued; and working with him ensures a positive experience for everyone involved."
Mary Anne Alhadeff
Former CEO of North Texas Public Broadcasting
A timely change going forward...
After spending over three years there, I stepped back into the for-profit marketing world again - right as the trends were changing to a more humanized, personalized and empathetic approach to content strategy.
I was ready for it!
Plus, I realized my educational background in communication was playing a bigger role than ever. It was suddenly something that could make or break content success. But more lessons were to come.
However, not every business was ready for the radical changes in audience behaviors, demands and trends.
Many of them were used to broadcasts and captive audiences and didn't know how to evolve.
Others were afraid to change or were trapped in old habits with no way out.
I've seen a lack of humanized communication wreck everything from company cultures to content strategies.
But the solution to both challenges starts with recognizing that change is needed.​

Are you ready for a
I'll bet some of your competitors haven't changed, and that's a huge opportunity for you. Through my ongoing study and experience, one thing that has been validated time and again is:
Communication is the key to addressing the connection and differentiation plaguing content today.
Let's talk!
In the spirit of connecting with people, let's have a conversation (not a "consultation") about your challenges and goals.